A Life coach

A life coach serves as a guide and motivator for individuals facing personal or professional challenges, aiding them in achieving their desired objectives. Their support spans various facets of life, recognizing that each person's goals differ. They offer counseling across personal and career domains, including but not limited to, professional growth, relationships, health, coping with loss, and financial stability.

At pivotal moments, such as career transitions or periods of self-reflection, a life coach can be invaluable. With the coaching industry expanding rapidly, as noted by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) estimating around 71,000 coaches worldwide, questions arise about its nature and efficacy. Is it akin to therapy? What distinguishes life coaching? Can it truly facilitate personal growth? Finding the right coach to align with one's aspirations remains essential in realizing the benefits of coaching.

life coaching vs. therapy

Are life coaching and therapy similar? Simply put, no. However, they have some similarities. Both aim to enhance individuals' overall well-being, yet they possess clear distinctions. Therapists must fulfill specific educational and licensure requirements to administer mental health treatment.

On the other hand, coaching centers on fostering personal and professional growth. Coaches assist their clients in constructing and implementing effective strategies to achieve their objectives, but they do not provide clinical mental health services. Let's explore this differentiation further.

Life Coaching

Mental fitness

Life coaches serve as guides through various aspects of your life.

Coaching is focused on personal growth and professional development.

Coaching can resemble talk therapy, though coaches are not certified therapists and can’t practice.

Coaching focuses on achieving goals, behavior changes, shifting perspectives, and overall self-improvement.

Coaches can help you improve your physical health, emotional well-being, and financial wellness.

Coaching is not mental health treatment or clinical care.


Mental health

Therapists are trained mental health professionals, they must meet education and licensing criteria to work with clients.

Their role involves assisting clients in understanding psychological patterns to facilitate behavior change.

They have the capacity to diagnose and address mental health needs.

Therapists frequently collaborate with medical care teams to enhance overall well-being.

Some therapists have the authority to prescribe medication for psychological and mental health conditions.

life coaching benefits

  • The main purpose of life coaching is to help achieve any goals fast, efficiently and with a minimum or no disruptions

  • Life coaching gives you tools and techniques necessary to surmount challenges and obstacles. A life coach assists you in identifying fears, limiting beliefs, and patterns of self-sabotage. They offer guidance and encouragement to help you maneuver through tough circumstances and discover innovative solutions.

  • By helping you archive your goals a coach can really lift your self-confidence. They help you see what you're good at and the things you've achieved, so you start feeling better about yourself. They also help you get past doubting yourself and thinking negatively, so you feel more confident to take big steps and try new things.

  • NLP coaching is the art of communication! It’s a conversational approach whose foundations are based on solution-oriented communication technics. It both improves communications with others and with oneself.

  • By improving communication with others and enhancing interpersonal skills, it enables individuals to build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

  • by learning new tools and technics we improve our capacity to adjust and react to difficult situations. We become more flexible and resilient.

  • the NLP has powerful tools to uncover and enhance one’s creativity strategy. Creativity is also challenged by trying new and different things.

  • it often happens that we don’t know what to do with scary decisions. The good news is that our instincts an subconscious knows exactly what direction to take. The NLP tools will hep to bring the solution to the conscious.

  • Sometimes the only difference between a stressful day and an enjoyable day could be a good time management. Coaching are very efficient in building a custom time management strategy that no template could do.

  • NLP and its tools has been developed by modelling everything that works well in coutselling. So the first tool of NLP is a modelling technic that can be used to model any skill from any person that mastered that skill, and then transfers it.

  • Stress is a common problem for many people. A life coach is trained to identify what triggers the stress and develop a custom strategy to reduce it.

  • Having a coach by your side will help you maintaining steady progress towards you goal by guiding, helping overcoming obstacles and reenforcing your motivation.

  • Sometimes all we want is to be happy, as simple as that, but we don’t how…. The seeds of our happiness are inside of us and a life coach can help reveal them and nurture them.

  • Calm is the emotion that generates the best solutions and answers, unfortunately we tend to lose it easily and when we need it, it doesn’t manifest.
    NLP tools can help to generate and anchor it as needed.

  • Anything that can be formulated in term of goals could benefit from the help of a life coach. If you have some doubt, you can ask if your situation is suitable for a coaching.